Thankyou for your prayer support and please do keep praying.
February has been one of the hardest months we have known for The Joy Foundation. Both of our workers in schools - Helen and Andy - have been struggling with health issues and we have had to cancel many appointments in schools. Both of them are now a little better, but still need to improve further in order to return to normal. At the same time, schools are opening up again and wanting TJF to return fully to lead Collective Worship, lessons, clubs, intervention work, training and governor support.
In your prayers, please give thanks for; That schools are opening up again and starting to operate normally The very positive relationships that TJF has with schools and that they still want our input.
Please pray for: A return to full health for both Helen and Andy That planned school commitments will be fulfilled and that positive relationships continue and grow The spiritual battle that we know that we are facing. Pray that we can stand firm and declare the truth through word and deed.
If you would like to know any more about TJF or support in another way, please do get in touch.