THANK YOU for the messages of support and your prayers at the beginning of this new school year. We have already been in all of the 23 schools we have the privilege of serving and have led Collective Worship in all of them. Our other activities in schools have also re-started.
· The new school year has started well with opportunities to bless many children through regular, Bible based Collective Worship
· Several schools have responded to the offer from TJF to have more involvement in their school. We have started Collective Worship Councils and clubs and have 4 other schools considering how they may use TJF to benefit their children more.
· Individual supporters that have raised over £1000 for TJF over the summer by arranging their own events
· Andy has now been released from PE work that he has done for 12 years to give more time to develop new inputs into schools. The Collective Worship Councils and clubs are part of this development, but we now have the capacity to provide more and different support to schools such as Bible Roadshows, special events and values support. Please pray that schools take up this offer and that new schools also want to receive support from TJF.
· TJF has taken a big step of faith in stopping the PE work as it provided a significant income.Please pray that new income sources are found from churches, individuals, grants, fundraising activities etc.
· We would like to continue to highlight two schools per month to pray especially for. This month the schools are;
Fiskerton – TJF leads monthly Collective Worship here and supports their Collective Worship Council
St Giles – TJF leads monthly Collective Worship here with children that need much support
Thank you for your support.