Thank you for your prayers and concern. Thank you too for those of you who supported our fundraising quiz.
We’ve been busier this term than last as more schools have accepted our offer of supporting them and helping their children to flourish. Now, with being in Advent, we have a clear message of focusing on Jesus which is always a special and significant time for all.
• The new support that TJF is providing into schools for Collective Worship and helping children to focus on what worship is. In the new year we could be providing this support into 5 different schools, as well as the ongoing Collective Worship that we have always provided.
• Two new clubs will also be starting in January where we give practical, physical and personal challenges. These are great fun, popular with the children and gives us all a chance to delve deeper into the challenges that are given in Collective Worship.
• The Christmas messages that we are presenting for the rest of this term, for the other work in schools that we do, such as mentoring and for energy and freshness as we finish this long Autumn term.
• It looks like TJF may have a deficit in the budget this year, so we are working hard to find new sources of income. Grant applications are going in, churches are being approached, fundraising activities will continue etc. Please pray that needs are met financially so that we can continue to help the local children to flourish as God intends for them.
• To finish prayers for specific schools this year, please pray for the final seven schools. We present monthly Collective Worship in all of these schools.
Witham St Hughs
Branston Infants
Leslie Manser
Manor Farm
Brant Broughton
Thank you for your support.
We pray that you too enjoy Christmas knowing the Prince of Peace.