Thank you all for your messages of support over recent weeks as both Helen and Andy have been suffering from ill health.
Despite this, they both managed a near full schedule of commitments in schools leading up to Easter. This gave them many opportunities to retell the Easter message to the 24 schools and near 5000 children that they have the privilege of working with. They now have a full schedule through the summer term as schools should be back fully open. However, Andy particularly is still unwell and is currently off work.
In your prayers please give thanks for:
The many opportunities that The Joy Foundation has to speak of Jesus
A full diary of commitments this coming summer term
The witness That TJF has to so many children
Please pray for:
Continued health recovery for both Andy and Helen
That we make the most of the opportunities that we have in Collective Worship, lessons, clubs, mentoring work and our general presence in schools
TJF finance. Again we are looking at financial challenges, which is exacerbated when staff are off work and unable to deliver lessons
If you would like to know any more about TJF or support in another way, please do get in touch.